Buying and selling a house can be a very stressful time. This is particularly true when you are in a chain.

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are out of their control, while others are a matter of personal preference. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on.

We know that the idea of house sharing isn’t for everyone; however, living with other people in a house can actually be a great idea for some. So, if you are considering house sharing as an option then here are some of the pros and cons to keep in mind.

Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead. Not only is it a great method for avoiding more work down later on, it can also be extremely important for averting problems. To be proactive, you need to start taking action, embracing your responsibility, and controlling your responses. Follow this guide for tips to help you stay ahead and have and a much more proactive outlook.

When it comes to renting a property from a landlord, there should be a section in your tenancy agreement that stipulates you are responsible for paying council tax, along with other utility bills and services for the property. Throughout this guide we have highlighted the simple principles around council tax and what you need to know about it.

As we look to put the long winter months behind us and hope for slightly warmer weather and less rain, it is a good idea to refresh your home ready for the new season. As spring is the season of growth and renewal, you should do the same to your home. We look at some of the best ways that you can do this.

When it comes to deciding whether you should improve your existing home or take the next step in moving, this decision can sometimes be a difficult one to make. It is something that a lot of homeowners are currently facing particularly when there are more stagnant periods in the housing market. Below, we have highlighted what you may need to look into in order to make the right decision.

When it comes to finding somewhere to live there is always a decision to be made about renting versus buying. Obviously, most people want to own their own home at some point, however, for some people renting is the better option. We look at the reasons why you might prefer renting over buying a home.

With so many of us taking our work out of the office and into our homes, there has never been a more popular time to rethink the study space in your very own home. Follow the tips below to know how to implement your work life into your own home.

Over the past years, cases of rogue landlords have crept their way in. This gives the letting industry a negative reputation. Although, you may find that from ten landlords, only a small number have unprofessional tendencies, masking the entire industry negatively. Having a peaceful and fruitful encounter with the landlord is every tenant's desire. To achieve this, we have outlined some of the issues you may consider avoiding to fulfill your desire. This applies whether you are looking for a house from the available online portals or the physical search. Read on!

These are two schemes that are aimed at helping people get onto the property ladder. They are available to those that would not otherwise be able to purchase a house on the open market. However, many people get confused about the differences between the two, so we take a look at which scheme could be right for you.

Looking for a rental property for the first time? We know how exciting it feels when you are a young professional looking for your first home. It’s all about roaming around your new local area, buying new stuff for decor, purchasing new home items. The idea of having your own home is absolutely mesmerising, but wait, before you start dreaming of your ideal kitchen... Before your tenancy can start, it’s time to think of your deposit and how you’re going to raise it.